We are committed to only selling genuine Italian boutique fashion products, direct from the suppliers. It is our business model to bring authentic Italian brands to you so that you can purchase with confidence and avoid any counterfeit/fake products.
We handpick all the in-season couture and latest styles from high-end Italian designers, so that you can purchase here in Australia at affordable prices. On our exclusive website, you’ll be able to shop all our boutique Italian fashion designers and see what is trending in overseas markets.
Thanks to our comprehensive network and team of high-end fashion buyers, we are able to source the very best of products. Emanuela has years of experience in the fashion industry and brings with her many close contacts and connections. By taking advantage of the opposite seasons in Italy and Australia, we can bring you the most sought-after trends long before they would ordinarily hit the southern shelves. Our premium brands put you in the front row with runway-worthy style and wardrobe staples. Bringing you the highest quality, without the designer price tag.